Student Life
Student Services

Dean's Office


Report Absences, Late Arrivals or Early Dismissal
To report an absence or tardy, or to request an early dismissal call 708-386-0127 ext. 341 or email Please include the student's full name, year of graduation and the reason for the absence, early dismissal or tardy.  Doctor, dentist or court appearance require documentation to be considered excused.  The documentation can be faxed, emailed or brought to Student Services upon the student's return. 

List of 3 members.

  • Photo of Daniel O'Keefe

    Daniel O'Keefe 

    Dean of Students
  • Photo of William Eike

    William Eike 

    Dean of Students
  • Photo of Elizabeth Kelley

    Elizabeth "Liz" Kelley 


List of 5 items.

  • Advanced Absences

    In the case of a planned absence, due to family necessity including college visits, students must obtain an approved Advanced Absence. The parent/guardian must email, with detailed information regarding the absence at least one week in advance. The student must then email all their teachers to create a plan for all make-up work/assessments. These actions will be expected if the student is to have make-up privileges for tests and assignments that might be missed.
  • Dress Code

    Fenwick High School’s student dress code aims to inspire excellence, self-respect and a sense of school identity.  It has been our experience that, with the support of the parents and faculty, these guidelines help to engender a positive climate for mature behavior which reinforces good academic performance.
    Any student who cannot abide by the dress code due to injury or illness must have written permission from the Dean.  To obtain permission, a note indicating the injury or illness must be provided by the student’s doctor to the Dean’s Office.  If there is another reason a student is unable to abide by the dress code as it is stated, a parent/guardian should reach out to the Dean of Students directly.
    Any student who cannot abide by the dress code due to injury or illness must have written permission from the Dean and/or school Nurse. To obtain permission, a note indicating the injury or illness must be provided by the student’s doctor to the Dean’s Office or Health Office. If there is another reason a student is unable to abide by the dress code as it is stated, a parent/guardian should reach out to the Dean of Students directly. 
    All clothing must be free of markings, tears and patches. Minor dress code violations will result in detentions. Students sent to the Deans’ Office for major dress code violations will be withheld from class until the violation is corrected. The absence from class will be considered unexcused. Any questions about the appropriateness of the dress code or a student’s outfit should be referred to the Deans’ Office. 
    All uniform materials are available through Lands’ End.  Dress code items do not need to be purchased through them, with the exception of Skorts, as long as items meet the standards below.  For Lands’ End clothing go to and look under the school center or visit any local Lands’ End store or vendor.

    For more information, please refer to pages 37-40 of the Parent Student Handbook.

  • Parking

    Parking Regulations and Garage Procedures can be found on the Transportation and Parking Page.
  • Tardies

    Students who are tardy to school/1st period must obtain a tardy pass. Failure to do so will result in a Detention. When a student arrives late to school and the building is locked down, they are to obtain a Tardy slip from the main office and report directly to their class. If a student was in the building but did not report to 1st period on time, they must report directly to the Deans’ Office to obtain a Tardy slip. Since the student is allowed 4 tardies per semester without consequences, there are no excused tardies for eventualities such as car problems, traffic or other personal difficulties.
  • Visiting/Entering Fenwick

    ALL Visitors must please:
    • Produce a government issued Driver’s License or Identification card upon arrival. The document will be retained at the Reception Desk until the visitor departs. No other forms of identification will be accepted.
    • Wear the issued lanyard with their pass the entire time they are inside the school.
    • Wait for the person they are visiting to come to the Reception Desk to escort them into the school. • Be escorted back to the Reception Desk when they leave.
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